SHIFT Web Terms of use

These Terms of Use are intended to regulate the use of theShift system, which includes an Internet interface (the "Site") and which enables management and planning of the transportation system of employee transportation (the "Service").

By clicking the "I Agree" button, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to these Terms of Use.

At any time, you may contact us at the following address:  with any request and inquiry regarding these Terms.

There may be changes in the Service and these Terms governing its use, due to the dynamic nature of the Service, the Internet in general, and the legislative and regulatory aspects that may apply to activity in the Service. We will publish in advance notice of expected changes to the Service itself, or by sending an e-mail specifying the nature of the change and its effective date. 

Your acceptance of these Terms of Use also constitutes acceptance of the modified terms, but to the extent required by law, we will again ask for your consent to the new terms. 

Due to the limitations of the Hebrew language, in a small number of cases the wording is in the masculine gender only, but these conditions obviously apply to women as well. 


The service enables management and planning of employee transportation in the place where you work. The service serves as a tool for planning and controlling travel routes in order to obtain a full picture of the trips performed. 

Use of the Service and its Limitations

Use of the Website is available to Company employees who hold positions in connection with the transportation field. In addition, the Transportation Companies will be granted permission to view through the Website the data relevant to the trips performed by them only, and access to the Website will be granted to relevant officials of Shift Live Ltd. (the "Company").

You are granted permission to use the Service only in accordance with the permissions set for youin the system. The Service may not be used for any other purpose that is not within the scope of your authorization without our prior written consent.

You may not copy, embed, embed on other websites, display it through framing, create mirroring sites, sell, license, rent, lend or distribute the Service Content in any way.

You may not modify, create derivative works from, re-engineer or take any action to expose the source files of the Service Software.

You may not link to content on the Service that displays it independently of the web page on which the content is located. By linking to web pages of the Service, you may not hide, block, disrupt or delete any information from the web pages of the Service, as they are originally. 

You may not access the Service or the content contained therein in order to develop or create a similar or competing service with the Service, including by collecting details and information from within the Service. 

Without our prior written and explicit consent, the Service may not be used for the purposes of examination, scanning, automatic collection of information (scraping), hacking operations, hacking the security systems of the Service and any computer system and communications serving it, interfering with the operation of the Service, bypassing the protection mechanisms of the Service, manipulating the activity of the Service, systematic access to the Service's computers through automated software tools such as: 'bots' and 'crawlers'and access to a feature or functionality of the Service that is not intended to be accessible or is not documented.

You may not use the Service for any activity that constitutes or encourages acts that constitute a criminal offense, civil tort, or otherwise violate applicable law, including laws relating to deception, fraud, forgery, privacy protection, identity theft, penetration of computer material, distribution of viruses and other hostile software, right of publicity, defamation, harassment and obscene publications. 

We will use your information in accordance with the provisions of these Terms of Use, including the provisions regarding the retention, availability, publication, removal and use of rights in the content. 

Personal Information

When registering for the service, the employer provides the company with the following details regarding the user: full name, position, email address and mobile phone number. Use of the details and system is subject to these Terms of Use.

In addition, we may ask for your ID number and/or driver's license number, to the extent necessary in light of the nature of your use of the Service. 

Registration to the site will be done by representatives of the company.

We may send you notices relating to your registration and use of the Service, such as when you update your password to the Service. 

At any time, we may change the nature and scope of the information disclosed to you on the Service.

We may unsubscribe from the Service or not allow you to register for it in the first place, if, in our discretion, you registered to perform an illegal act (for example, by impersonating another), or to harm others, the Service, or us, the Service owners, or anyone on our behalf, or if your activity on the Service violates a court order or binding order of an authority, or violates these Terms,  Or if we think there is some other justifiable reason for it, without us having to explain our decision.

Account access

Access to the user account on the site will be by means of a username and password. In the future, we may allow or require access to your user account by other or additional means, as we see fit. 

You and only you have the right to use your account on the Service. You must not share it with others and you must also keep your password secret and refrain from disclosing it to others. 

From time to time you will be asked to change the password to the user account on the site.

If you do not use the Service for 90 days, your account will be frozen. 

Upload documents to the site

You can upload documents to the site only. The documents uploaded by you to the site are your responsibility. We are not responsible for your documents, or for documents uploaded by other users, including their truthfulness, reliability, legality and any action taken in connection with them.

SMS and email updates

As part of your use of the Service, we will send you updates by text message or e-mail regarding revisions and updates.



The aforementioned service enables management, planning, monitoring and analysis of the company's transportation system. Therefore, personal information is naturally an integral part of it. These Terms of Use, including this privacy section, deal with the information we collect, what we do with it, with whom we share it, and other related aspects.

As part of the customer's use of the service, we will collect personal information about the users, including: full name, email address, mobile phone number, your position, information about your location and travel route.

In addition, we monitor most of the users' actions on the service, including: number of clicks, logins, screens that the user browsed, reports issued by the user and the content viewed.

The information we collect enables us to provide you and other users of the Service with the Service, and is also necessary for ongoing activity involving the management of the Service, control of what happens therein, its security and making improvements and additions to the Service, while from time to time the Company reserves the right to send registered users notices by e-mail, or in any other way.

To the extent necessary, we will also use the information to handle, investigate and prevent misuse of the Service, such as rights violations, fraud and identity theft and, if necessary, for related legal proceedings. 

We share information with companies as necessary to fulfill the purposes of data collection. This includes the need to share information with companies and other entities for storing and securing information. Of course, we will share information if the law requires us to do so, for example in a case where the company may receive a court order for the purpose of disclosing information. 

The information we collect is stored in the company's database, which is stored at a server hosting and data backup provider located in Europe.

 We may retain your information for as long as you use the Service. We will then retain the information if necessary, for example, if we need to retain information required for reporting to authorities, for possible legal preparation purposes, for documentation and archiving purposes, and to continue to display relevant information on the Service. Information that we no longer need as identifying information will be deleted or de-identified.

Statistical and anonymous information

Statistical and anonymous information is not subject to privacy laws. We may collect, disclose and share such information without restrictions. However, when we use such information, we will not take any action that knowingly could disclose your personally identifiable information that was not already publicly disclosed during your use of the Service. 

Information Security

We operate according to ISO9001 service standard & to information security standards;ISO27001; ISO27017 ; ISO27018 ISO27032

Accordingly, we implement information security systems and procedures in order to protect the information from misuse and unauthorized use. For example, all service pages are secured using the SSL encryption protocoland service providers of service pools implement systems for physical security and compartmentalization of access to the service.

However, these systems reduce security risks, but none of them provide complete security and the service systems, including the software used, are not foolproof. Therefore, we do not guarantee that your information will be immune from harm and unauthorized access. 


We do our best to provide you with the service in a quality and accurate manner. However, sometimes malfunctions may occur in the operation of the service, due to problems in the operation of the service's communication providers, the service's software systems, changes and maintenance we make to the service, and more. Such malfunctions cause inconvenience and difficulty in using the service and we will do our best to overcome them as quickly as possible. At the same time,  We will not be liable for any inconvenience or damage that may result therefrom.


The Service is accessible within the State of Israel only and from any computer and cellular device connected to the Internet and we will make reasonable efforts to make the Service available at all times. However, we may block, by ourselves or through a third party on our behalf, access to the Service from computers using certain IP addresses, or from other sources, in order to protect the Service and prevent harm to it, users and us.


The service includes user interfaces, graphic designs, illustrations, texts, icons, software code and more. All of these are protected by copyright and some even by additional intellectual property rights such as trademarks and trade secrets. We own all rights to such content (excluding content uploaded by users to the service) that we own or have the permission of others to use on the service.

Except for the permission expressly granted to you to use the Service, as set forth in these Terms, the Service may not be used or permitted by others to make use of the Service and any component contained therein that is not expressly permitted. The signs © and - ® indicate the existence of proprietary rights. Do not disrupt their presentation. 

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